NXF’s direct nanofiltration is proudly part of the water treatment plant of the future in Wilp (NL)

Project Detail

Dutch regional water authority ‘Valei en Veluwe’ wants to be fully circular by 2050. The development of the ‘Water Factory Wilp’ plays an important role in realizing this ambition. In June 2019 a large-scale pilot test has started which not only aims to reuse the water by industries and agriculture, but also aims to recover valuable nutrients such as celluloses, phosphor, and nitrogen for agricultural purposes.

By preventing these chemicals from being discharged in the environment Vallei en Veluwe gives substance to the ambitions of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to improve the water quality in the Netherlands.

The use of this unique nanofiltration concept also enables efficient re-use of the effluent for various applications. Being part of the development of the water treatment plant of the future in Wilp makes all of us at NXF very proud, and we whish Vallei en Veluwe all the best in realizing their plans for a sustainable future